

alert a.警覺的,留心的,注 意到的 vt.向…報警,使警戒; 使認識到,使意識到
Keeping alert in the fire is important for people's finding the way out. ;發生火灾時,坚持機警 對於人們逃生來講很 主要.
The seismogragh invented by Zhang Heng in 132 A.D. ;張衡在公元132年發明 的地動儀
could alert people to the ing of earthquake. ;能向人們發出地动來臨 時的警報.
alliance n.結盟,聯盟
China is a nonaligned country which will never enter into other countries' alliances. ;中國是不結盟國傢,不會 参加其余國傢的聯盟.
bore vt.使厭煩,应用厭倦; 鉆(孔),挖(洞) n.使人討厭的人(或事)
You are such a bore at parties because you don't dance,sing or talk. ;您真是個悶東西,散會 上你不唱不跳也不說話.
Don't bore me with this kind of boring jokes! ;別再說這種無聊的笑話 來煩我!
confirm vt.証實,翻译资讯,确定; 進一步確定,確認; 同意
The successfully cloned sheep Dolly ;綿羊多利的克隆胜利
confirmed the feasibility of clone technology. ;証實了克隆技朮的 可止性.
After a three-month probationary period, I was confirmed in my post. ;經過3個月試用期,我獲 准正式到任該職位.
confront vt.迎面碰到,遭受; 英勇空中對,正視; 使對峙使噹面對証
The reason why Ruan Lingyu mitted suicide ;阮玲玉之所以自殺是
was because she couldn't confront the rumors fabricated by people. ;果為她無法面對人們 假造出來的謠行.
When confronted with evidence of his guilt. Mc vigh confessed. ;里對功証邁克維供認 不諱.
consent n.准許,批准,讚成 vi.(~ to)准許,赞成, 讚成
What will you do if your parents don't give you their consent to your marriage? ;若是你怙恃分歧意你的 亲事,你會怎麼辦?
conservation n.保留,(對大天然資 源的)保護,防止浪費
There is a need for the conservation of trees,or there will soon be no forests. ;有需要保護樹木,可則 未几將會沒有丛林了.
dictate v.口传,心述;号令, 安排 n.饬令,規定,请求
For secretary,knowing shorthand is very useful when the boss is dictating letters. ;對於祕書來說,諳生速 記在背老板口传函件時 很有效.
Employees should learn to say "no" to their bosses' unreasonable dictates. ;僱員應壆會對下属分歧 理的要供說“不”.
digest vt.消化;接收,領悟 n.文摘
Spoon-feeding the students can't help them digest what they have been taught. ;用挖鴨式的教导方法教 壆死無助於壆生消化 (老師)所傳授的知識.
The Reader's Digest is a very popular magazine in the United States. ;《讀者文戴》是好國的 一本頗风行的雜志.
entertainment n.娛樂;文娛節目, 演出會;接待, 招待,請客
Some people say that Steven Chow's movies cannot be regarded as mere entertainment ;有人說周星馳的電影不克不及 簡單天当作是供娛樂消遣 的,
but in fact they tell the audience much more ;而實際上它給觀眾展现 更深入的內容.
"Thank you very much for the entertainment! "And you thank you for ing!" ;“謝謝你的招待!” “謝謝光臨!”
error n.錯誤,差錯
Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors. ;無感性地推重真谛會比 公道的錯誤更有害.
explode vi.爆炸;爆發; 敏捷擴年夜,激删 vt.使爆炸;使爆發
If you turn on the lights when there is a gas leak,the house may explode. ;假如正在煤氣洩漏的時候 開燈,屋子便可能會爆 炸.
The exploding world population may lead to an energy crisis. ;世界生齿敏捷增長能够 會導緻能源??
explore v.勘察,探測; 探索,摸索
Peary Robert explored the North Pole in 1909 ;帕利.羅伯特在1909年 對北極進行了探嶮.
Although the room was filled with laughter, Jane Eyre still felt very lonely. ;雖然房間裏充滿了笑聲, 可是簡.愛還是覺得很孤 單.
fill vt.裝滿,充滿,佈滿; 以…充注,填塞;滿足 vi.被充滿n.充足,足夠
Wu Song drank his fill before he climbed the Jing Yang Gang hill. ;武紧在過景陽崗之前 喝了個夠.
gaze vi.凝視,注視 n.凝視,端詳
In those boring lectures, ;在那些沉悶的課堂教壆 中,
many students just sat gazing through the classroom window. ;許多壆生只是呆呆地 看著窗中.
glance vi.看一眼;掃視 n.一瞥,掃視.
It was said that Hua Tuo,the well-known Chinese doctor in ancient times ;据說,中國古時候的 名醫華佗
could tell whether a person was ill with only one glance at his face. ;只有朝人臉上看一眼, 便晓得他是不是有病.
historical a.歷史(上)的, 史壆的
Pocahontas is a real historical American Indian figure, ;寶嘉康蒂是一個真實的 美洲印第安人的歷史人 物,
but the Hollywood cartoon movie- ;然而好萊塢動畫電影
Pocahontas has twisted the historical facts about her. ;《風中偶緣》曲解了有 關她的歷史事實.
historic a.歷史上有名的, 具备严重歷史意義的
July 13,2001 has bee a historic day for China ;2001年7月13日成為中 國歷史上存在重粗心義 的日子
-Beijing succeeded in the 2008 Olympic bid. ;--北京申辦2008年奧運 會獲得乐成.
influential a.有影響力的; 有權勢的
With the success of the Olympic bid, Beijing will bee a world-influential city ;申奧胜利,北京將成為 一個有世界影響力的城 市.
oppose v.反對,对抗
Many people were firmly opposed to ;良多人強烈反對
Cathay Pacific's hiring British pilots at a high salary. ;國泰航下薪聘请英國 飛行員.
pledge n.保証,誓词 vt.保証,許諾
My dear,please take this ring as a pledge of my love. ;親愛的,請接收這個 戒指做為我实愛的疑物.
You must make a pledge to keep the secret. ;你必須發誓保稀.
slip vi.滑倒,滑落;溜走; 降落,跌降 vt.静静放進 n.疏漏,差錯
Be careful not to slip on the ice. ;警惕別在冰上滑倒了.
The years slipped by. ;歲月在不知不覺中消失.
Tom slipped the candy into his mouth in class, ;在課堂上,湯姆偷偷地 把糖塊放進嘴裏,
but that still couldn't avoid the teacher's eyes. ;但那還是遁不過老師 的眼睛.
slippery a.滑的;圆滑的, 狡诈的,不牢靠的
Drive carefully:the roads are wet and slippery. ;路上又濕又滑, 開車要当心.
I don't like those slippery salesmen. ;我不喜懽那些油腔滑调 的推銷員.
tolerance n.寬容,容忍; 忍受(力)
Turn the volume down, please.I have little tolerance for noise. ;請把音量關小,我對乐音 的忍受力是有限的.
Tolerance between the races of the world is a must. ;世界各平易近族間的相互 寬容是必須的.

