
新觀點英語第一冊第37-38 課文詳解及訓練謎底

課文詳注  Further notes on the text

1.What are you going to do now, George?您噹初籌辦坤什麼,喬治?

      be going to,是计划、預備、按規劃在最遠做某事,表示將往。請拜見本課語法侷部。

2.Pink's=Pink is。

3.It's for my daughter, Susan.是為我的女女囌珊做的。

     Susan做my daughter的同位語。

語法  Grammar in use

已來時 be  going  to

(1)未來時be going to的情勢由am/is/are going to +動詞原形构成。

(2)未來時be going to的用法

A默示“計劃”、“預備”在比來做某事。(在非正式語體中,個別多用be going to,而不用will。)

I am going to put it on the floor.   我盘算把它放在天板上。

He is going to paint the bookcase tomorrow.   他籌備來日給書架刷漆。


The meeting is going to begin at nine.   散會將在9里開端。

Where are you going to build the road?   你們將正正在甚麼處所築路?


The meeting is going to begin at nine.   會議將在9點起頭。

It's going to rain!   天要下雨了!

She's going to faint!   她要暈倒了!

(3)be going to的疑難式与否認式


George is going to paint it pink.    喬治盤算把它刷成粉白色。

Is George going to paint it pink?    喬治籌算把它刷成粉红色嗎?


George is not going to point it pink.   喬治不筹算把它刷成粉白色。

辭匯進建  Word study



What colour is George going to paint it?    喬治預備把它漆成什麼颜色的?


Who painted this picture?   那幅畫是誰畫的?


His novel paints a peaceful picture of the country life in Europe.   他的小讲刻畫了有閉歐洲都会生活的安靜畫裏。


Wet Paint!    油漆已乾!

I bought a box of paints.    我購了一盒顏料。



He works 45 hours per week.    他每周工作45個小時。


He works as a bank clerk. 他是一名銀行人員。


If you work hard, you'll pass your exams. 如果你用功的話,你便會測驗經由過程。

(4)n. 工作;勞動;功課;職業:

He wants to have a good sleep after a day's work. 在一天的事情以後,他唸好好睡上一覺。

The students finished all their work in class. 教逝世們噹堂把齐體功課皆實現了。

He is without work. 他賦閑了。

訓練謎底  Key to written exercises

Lesson 38


1  What are you doing? We are reading.

2  What are they doing? They are doing their homework.

3  What is he doing? He is working hard.

4  What are you doing? I am washing the dishes.


1  What are you going to do?  I'm going to shave.

What are you doing now?  I'm shaving.

2  What are you going to do? I'm going to wait for a bus.

What are you doing now?  I'm waiting for a bus.

3  What are you going to do? I'm going to do my homework.

What are you doing now? I'm doing my homework.

4  What are you going to do? I'm going to listen to the stereo.

What are you doing now? I'm listening to the stereo.

5  What are you going to do? I'm going to wash the dishes.

What are you doing now?     I'm washing the dishes.

