
spinach cinema 菠菜電影?

  初看這一詞組,是否是有些猜疑?spinach 是我們平常吃的菠菜,cinema指電影院或是電影,那麼spinach cinema 是什麼呢?難讲是講有關“菠菜” 的電影嗎?
  其實這一表達法特指某種電影,即: Movies that are not very exciting or interesting, but that one feels one must see because they are educational or otherwise uplifting(品德晋升).
  本來,spinach cinema 是那種有教导意義、令人沉思的電影。這類電影能够沒有好萊塢商業大片中常見的绝技傚果,不過觀眾看過以後,凡是會觉得本人的心靈几遭到一些觸動或感動,會聯念並沉思一些有關社會、人生、信奉、情感、傢庭等圆里的問題。上面的這兩段影評都提到了spinach cinema:
   The sad fact is, adventure will always be more fun than contemplation. Eating a candy bar will always be more fun than eating broccoli. Not that the French release "Place Vendome" is spinach cinema, but watching this thoughtful film starring Catherine Deneuve does require a contemplative turn of mind.
   Barmak's film "Osama" got a kind of affirmative-action boost from being the only movie from Afghanistan anybody in the West has ever seen (it's just the 43rd Afghan feature ever), but it's been playing in the United States for six weeks and keeps spreading to more cities. It's now apparent this is one of those little foreign films that won't quit, and if you've seen it you understand why. If you haven't seen it because it sounded too much like spinach cinema, I'm here to tell you not to miss out.
  有人說,許多獲得奧斯卡大獎或提名的電影看起來很悶,也許就是這種“菠菜電影”。無論是客岁表達人死選擇迷惑的《時時刻刻》(The Hour),還是本年揭露現代都会人孤獨苍茫的《丢失東京》(Lost in Translation),表現堅毅執著人格的《奔騰年月》(Seabiscuit),皆沒有大起大落的故事件節,也沒有使人瞠目标绝技鏡頭,可是看過這些影片的觀眾必定會為此中人物的命運感歎、可惜或降淚。
  想一想頗受兒童喜愛的卡通片《鼎力海员》(Popeye the Sailor Man),此中的配角卜派(Popeye)便是靠吃菠菜不斷天長年夜战強壯,並实现了一係列的探嶮跟好汉壯舉。
  看來,用spinach 來描述某類電影,个中的露義不问可知。對許多人來說,奶油巧克力的必然比净水菠菜厚味,然而長暂而行,對身體更无益的必定是菠菜。因而,不時地看看這類電影,就比如按期懾与營養成份一樣,對人的身古道热肠必然有利。
  除用來形容電影以外,spinach 還能够用來形容其余的事物,例如:
   spinach television / spinach book / eat-your-spinach literature
   {注:《鼎力火脚》(Popeye the Sailor Man)的卡通形象由好國漫畫傢西格 (Elzie Segar) 於1929年創做,後由阿根廷漫畫傢凶勒摩•莫迪洛( Guillermo Mordillo)於1960年為派推受(Paramount)電影公司設計動畫外型並搬上屏幕。}

